FASHION HALLOWEEN FRIDAY One of my favorite holidays is right around the corner and each year I get so stressed about what am I going to be. I know you're probably thinking I'm too old to be dressing up, but I don't think you are ever too old to dress up and enjoy yourself. I came up with two pretty simple costumes. The hardest part was the makeup but with the help of a tutorial by dope2111 Read More »»
Fashion Fall Friday – Its All About The Plaid
FASHION FALL FRIDAY Every time I see plaid I quickly get drawn to it. Fall and winter is the perfect time to start pulling it all out of your closet. I love wearing plaid because it makes me feel comfortable but with a twist of casual fashion. The two words that come to mind is warm and hip. Even though my closet isn't filled with all the plaid I want, here are some ideas for you this fall. Read More »»
Fashion Friday – How to use your summer dresses for fall
FASHION FALL FRIDAY The fall has arrived and its time to pull out all your cute outfits. One thing I love about fall is I can still wear my summer clothes paired with winter clothes for a comfy and stylish look. The one thing that drives me crazy is that once it gets a little chilly we seem to forget about our cute clothes we wore when it was hot outside. Don't let them sit in your closet Read More »»