So as you may or may not know I am on two mom forums and let me say the women on these forums along with my bloggy friends really are my lifeline, life just would not be the same with you and them. Anyhoo, we decided it would be fun to have an "AI" competition so us moms got our video cameras out and started singing LOL. Not acapella that would scare everyone away. For me it's bad enough with Read More »»
Hmmm my dreams of making it to American Idol have been squashed
I was sitting here singing my heart out to my own little tune and you know how to yourself well, you sound perfect. I had the idea it would be fun to record my beautiful song. BIG MISTAKE!!!!!! I have now realized that my dreams of being on AI are not good, well unless I go and they put me on as one of the super bad singers. Hey though I could totally go and jump on Simon Cowell's lap then! So Read More »»
Tooshie Shakin Tuesday
Okay I know this is recycled from my days at, well another blog but I haven't had time to make a new one so this will have to do, plus I think my little man is just adorable. he needed some face time don't ya think! What him and I bust it out to Soulja Boy! So after you get through laughing at me or thinking I am an idiot (or both) tell me, what are some songs your child/children like to Read More »»
Tooshie Shakin Tuesdays:Thriller Edition
It's time for some tooshie shaking so in honor of halloween this Friday I thought I would post a past dance that I did 2 years ago to MJ's Thriller. Not to mention it was a request from a reader and I was lucky enough to still have it in my photobucket LOL. So here you go...Toni's Tooshie Shakin Tuesday: Thriller Edition Didn't it remind you of an 80's aerobic video in parts LOL. Oh well at Read More »»
Tooshie Shakin Tuesday on Wednesday – 10/22 edition
Because I thought today was tuesday since I got home on Monday all my days are mixed up. I know you all missed seeing me shake it, well this isn't so much shaking it as it is me making a fool of myself. A while back on the mommies forum I belong to we did a "American Idol" gig and the particular week we had for this video was rap. I must brag for a minute and say I nailed this shiznit! Yes Read More »»
Get your Dance on…..or just lip sync with the best of them
Here's a little diddy to get your groove on to on this Tooshie Shakin Tuesday! Okay what a corny name but I am goofy so what did you expect! Oh what I do at the request of my readers (Jen I know you missed me dancing), how much I love you all. Hope you enjoy your Tuesday!I think this is one of the dances that helped me win Queen of Dorks over at A Womb at the Inn(sane). Hmmmm that may say Read More »»