Hi, my name is Toni, and I feel like a failure. I've been blogging for so many years now, and it was going great until 2016. Then it nearly stopped or slowed way down I guess would be more correct. When it halted, I felt like a failure. Today, I have been really feeling like a failure even more than usual, and I'm trying to remember that my worth isn't in my blog, God created me to be amazing, but Read More »»
Today I’m Simply Drained
If you aren't friends with me on facebook then this will be all new to you. If you are then you probably have an idea with where I am going. This will be a long post... Yesterday morning I was up and ecstatic having a good day, counting down to my ten year anniversary (this coming Friday). My oldest son was coming home after being gone for a few days on a trip with his grandparents. I was just Read More »»
Just Call Me The Last Fire Bender. Disney and Universal…Here I Come!
It's freezing here on the world's whitest beaches. Beaches and freezing do not go together well. However it has turned me into an indoor pyromaniac. Not because I like to, by official definition play with fire, but rather I am loving being able to brag and say I made the house warm just like hubby does. You see it's usually him who is the fire master in the house, however he did eventually have Read More »»
Something To Remember
That is all! Something so simple, has so much meaning behind it. Remember who you are and remember that what other's think isn't what will make or break you! Read More »»
Deep Thoughts From Moi
Making fun of someone you don't like would be considered doing the same thing as them when they make fun of others. Read More »»
Hypocrisy In Friendship Annoys Me BUT….
Plainly put anyone who has the nerve to come to me and say something about being a friend to them and yet says it while being a total hypocrite loses my respect. No no it's not something current going on (just wanted to clear that up right away). I had to boil down a bit before I posted this (hence the waiting a while since this happened to post LOL). When it first happened I thought about Read More »»