For me as long as they are not school aged (now this does not apply if there are any mental or physical setbacks that prevent them from potty training) I say there is no "right" time. It annoys me to no end when the parent that had their child potty trained at eighteen months looks down on you because your child is not potty trained at the same age. My little girl will be 3 in June, and while Read More »»
There’s Nothing Like An Honest Toddler
I love when I find a new something fun to read. You just need those blogs or tweeters that make you laugh or giggle. I came across @HonestToddler on twitter and was laughing so much I had to head over to his blog to see what else was in store. I mean really...check out these tweets and tell me you wouldn't head over Read More »»
Boob, it’s what’s for dinner (breakfast, lunch and snack too)
I would like to blog about breastfeeding and the reasons why I am such a supporter of it. Yes it's an age old debate between moms. We have breastfeeding nazi's who snub those that formula feed their children. While yes I am a hard core advocate of breastfeeding I think you have to do what is right for you and your family. I do however think that every mom should at least try breastfeeding I mean Read More »»