A couple weeks ago I introduced Boost Kid Essentials Share Your Story App and one of the families who are sharing their stories. This post I want to introduce you to the Hawkins family. With three kids it can sometimes be tricky making sure your kids are getting the nutrients they need especially when they are picky eaters. That's why Sarah Hawkins turns to Boost Kid Essentials. Check out their Read More »»
Tips from Food Network’s Claire Robinson & DOVE Chocolate Basket Giveaway (WINNER ANNOUNCED)
Congratulations to Janet W.! With the new year always comes new goals. Those goals can be working out more, eating better, eating more chocolate..okay so that last one is a personal one for me. It's easy to get overwhelmed and give up on the goals before you even really started them (unless it's the eating chocolate). I had the chance to ask Food Network star and celebrity chef, Claire Read More »»
Guest Post: 10 Tips for Extended Family Vaycay
Guest Post by Catherine from What Matters. 10 Tips for the Extended Family Vaycay We are the least forgiving, as it turns out, of our own families. We get together for any amount of time with these grown-ups we knew so intimately as children, and we expect stuff. Raised together, we imagine that our siblings should want what we want. When our children are with our parents, we think Read More »»