
Join the #PetArmorProtects Twitter Party on 5/20

**I will be participating in the #PetArmorProtects Twitter Party on behalf of The Motherhood and  PetArmor, a brand of Sergeant’s Pet Care Products.** My dogs are like my kids too.  I feed them, take care of them and want only the best for them.  That's why we use Pet Armor Plus! In the past, before we started using PetArmor Plus, we had really bad flea issues with my yorkie. It was to the Read More »»

Join Me for the #NoLeaksGuaranteed Twitter Party on 5/20

There are very few things less frustrating than a battery running out.  I have to say it's happened more times than I care to admit to my wireless mouse and usually right when I am the middle of something.   Of course that's not as frustrating as when kids get new toys, play with them for a bit, leave the batteries in (because who really wants to take out batteries each time) and then go back only Read More »»

Our Family Is Taking The Listerine 21-day challenge #LISTERINE #Ad

As a mom who grew up wearing braces, and then due to a car accident had to wear them again as an adult, oral care is something that is high on my priority list. That, and possibly the fact I am terrified of any kind of mouth work aside from a regular cleaning. Because of that, I jumped at the chance to take the Listerine 21-day Challenge myself, and have my family join the challenge. It's not Read More »»

A #ReasonToSmile Thanks To Edy’s New Flavors #sponsored

This post is brought to you by Edy's and The Motherhood. I was provided with product coupons and compensated for my time. As always, opinions are that of the author. It's National Ice Cream Month and we have quite a few reasons to smile, thanks to Edy's newest flavors. If you can't tell, these girls were loving the new flavors! They were the only ones I could snap a photo of fast enough Read More »»