
Quotable Sunday 8/31/09

Welcome To Quotable Sunday's on A Daily Dose. Every Sunday myself, along with several other bloggers around the blogosphere post one or more of our favorite quotes to share with our readers. If this is your first time here is how to join in: ~ Head over to your blog and post a post with some of your favorite quotes in it ~ Grab the link to your quote post and add it to Mr. Linky below ~ Read More »»

HIgh School Days: To Remember or Not To Remember?

I was sitting here thinking about my kids growing up and it made me think about my high school career *shudder*. You know thinking about things that happened in high school, memories you want to hold onto and the ones you want to forget so today I am going to tell you a bit about my high school memories and let you live vicariously through my memories to get a feel of what high school was like Read More »»

Thankful Thursday and what I am annoyed about

Well I wasn't going to post today because well frankly I am exhausted from work and am in a bit of an annoyed mood. Then I thought well Toni why don't you just turn that frown upside down and list some things you are thankful for. Man that Toni has some great ideas. However it's good to express all feelings so I will list somethings that annoy me and things I am annoyed about and then follow Read More »»