
30 Days About Me. Day 3: Favorite Television Show

Well if you haven't realized by now, I love all things entertainment.  This is Day 3 of the "30 Days About Me" blog hop including myself along with quite a few other amazing bloggers from around the blogosphere! Read More »»

When Did Real Housewives (O.C.) Turn Naughty Naughty???!!!

Okay I admit one of my very guilty pleasures is watching most of the Real Housewives shows (Orange County, Beverly Hills, New York, Miami).  I don't really care for the New Jersey or Atlanta or D.C.  I am however addicted to OC out of all of them.  Something about watching the girls act a fool in their "reality" world is entertaining.  Hey I could have worse addictions and I am definitely not Read More »»

LOVE IT! Today is 90210 Day!!!

I know I am not the only one who spent every week watching Beverly Hills 90210. From the premiere episode where Brandon officially sported a mullet style to the end when Donna and David said I do FINALLY! I loved this show and I probably should be ashamed to admit this but I am not...I still watch every single rerun when I am home on SoapNet! Yes I still get pissed off at Dylan and Kelly and Read More »»