
Ad: On The Go, Game Day Snacking! #GreatStarts @Kelloggs_US

We are a big sports family, all three kids are usually involved in a sport year round. For the girl it's cheer or gymnastics and both my boys are soccer players. During sports season it can get, to say the least, busy. We always make sure they get a healthy meal, especially on game days when they have to be at their best. However, it never fails, they always get hungry for snacks while we are at Read More »»

Movie Night With A Twist #GreatStarts

We are a movie loving family. In the evenings, you will often find us together watching our favorite action, drama, animated, or comedy movie together (I've tried to get them to like my romance genre to no avail). As with any good movie night, snacks are a must. We have recently started bringing what most would think of as, breakfast foods, into our movie nights. Our family likes a little Read More »»

Like Mother, Like Daughter: Staying Healthy Together @Kelloggs_US #GreatStarts

Growing up,I always said to my mom "I am not going to be like you when I grow up". Of course those were usually times when I was mad at her. I am happy to say I was oh so wrong and am exactly like my mom. I noticed I do so many of the same things she did when I was growing up. Now that I have a daughter of my own it is so fun to see her doing many of the same things I did. I took dance, Read More »»

Ad: 21 Day To A Better Us @Kelloggs_US #GreatStarts

Usually you hear the phrase "21 Days To A Better Me", but I decided to change it up a little. I decided we are going to have , because it's not just going to be a me thing, it's going to be a change for my whole family. They say it takes twenty-one days to form a habit, so for my family that is going to be eating healthier. For myself and my husband it's a little easier, we aren't that picky. For Read More »»

Quick and Easy Snacking For Active Families #GreatStarts

I like to have a good for you, quick snacks readily available for my family and it seems I am not the only one who feels that way. Before I share my favorite quick and easy snack, check out this fun video. Racing the clock to see if packing snacks can be done in under a minute.The snack packing skills, are put to the test, in this #greatstarts tip from Team Kellogg’s Twelve snacks that Read More »»

Let’s Get Off To A Great Start With Team Kellogg’s

It's important to me to get the best start I can, thanks to Tips for a Great Start with Team Kellogg's, I am going to be doing more of that to start 2014 off with a bang. As a busy mom, who works for home, has limited time, and kids in sports that keep me busy 6 days a week, a great start is necessary. It never fails, if I don't start my day off in a great way, the rest of the day usually follows Read More »»