
Tailgating Must Haves For This Football Season #SamsClubTailgating #sp

Today’s post is sponsored by Sam’s Club, but my love for their tailgating and football season is all my own! We are huge on football in our house.  Whether we are headed to a local high school game or watching our favorite teams on TV, there is just something about rooting on the team you love that is so exciting.  One of my favorite parts of football season is the tailgating!  Whether you are Read More »»

Have A Hot Dog Bar This Football Season #KingsHawaiian

Football season brings out the fun.  Time with family, cheering on your favorite team and eating the best food (something about eating food during the game just makes it so much tastier). This football season try family tailgating with King's Hawaiian hot dog buns.This is the first time I tried their hot dog buns and I can assure you it won't be my last.  For game days we love to stick to the Read More »»

Football Party Foods: The Dips

It's that time of the year where football playoffs are in full swing. College ball has ended and NFL is headed toward the Superbowl. One thing is for sure, divided or not on the teams we can all agree the games require some good food. When I am watching the game I get so worked up I need some fuel to keep me going and I want that fuel to be tasty. Here are some dip recipes I want to bring to Read More »»