
Taboo Thursday: Interrupted S-E-X

Today's Taboo Thursday is all about S-E-X. In this anonymous interview a southern belle tells you about a little situation that happened to her and her husband when they wanted to have a little alone time. Please watch the following interview and then weigh in with your answers.So now it's time for you to help this sweet Southern Belle. What would you do in a situation?Have you ever been in Read More »»

Taboo Thursday: Hemorrhoids Are a Pain In The Arse!

Okay so maybe not everyone has them but I bet if you have ever been pregnant you got them and if you didn't then leave this post now. It's not for the faint of heart. Today we are talking all about those pesky bulges that are a pain in the rear. I thought you know what this subject is really not brought up often enough and I bet there are people out there who don't know what the heck they are Read More »»