
Cancer Survivor Dinner Photos

I had the amazing opportunity to dance at as well as photograph at the Relay For Life Cancer Survivor Dinner last week.  It was such a moving experience and I hope to continue to be involved for years to come.  I wanted to share some of the photos here on my blog of the decorations and such as well as post a link to the photo album so the people in attendance could head over and purchase any of Read More »»

Going Pink Together 2010 *Giveaway* {CLOSED}

Wouldn't that be wonderful? If I could make a wish and have it come true it would be that every person in the world be healthy, I know that would put some doctors out of a job but for this I would be selfish.  I would love to see no more diseases.  October is breast cancer awareness months and it is a disease that I have had directly affect my family.  Bot my mom and aunt were diagnosed with Read More »»

Blogtiquette Lesson: Thou Shalt Grow UP

Hey everyone, it's yours truly Teacher Toni, with this installment of your Blogtiquette Lesson. All in good fun of course, I get bored easily so I thought it's time for a life blog lesson. Growing up is hard to do but sometimes when that man or woman reaches late 20's early 30's I feel like some revert back to childhood and brattiness so let's not. Let's all grow up and BE NICE quit making fun Read More »»