And that is how today's episode of My Sucky LIfe is. Â That's all I have to say. Read More »»
My hope for all of you…and maybe myself too
I need to take a dose of my own hope LOL. I will post another day expanding, just please if you have any spare good thoughts or prayers please send them my way. Everyone in my family is fine so don't worry about that. I just need some prayers for me. I am in a funk and feel like I am going crazy, I am sure it has to do with working until 1 a.m. and really not being able to get any extra rest (I Read More »»
Well what do you do after working until 1 a.m.
Sleep of course!!! Well most normal people do anyways. My body somehow missed that memo. Yes I started working from 6:30 p.m to 1 a.m. last night. I will be doing this 5 nights a week!!! So blogging full time, taking care of my 2 kids plus my cousins almost 1 year old full time (who is teething and not a happy camper), cleaning, cooking, washing cloths. Now normally all this would not be so Read More »»