**I am part of the Netflix Stream Team. All opinions are 100% my own** I remember watching, as a kid, GLOW otherwise known as "Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling". To this day, I still see Susie Spirit breaking her arm or maybe it was dislocating her elbow when she was going up against The Headhunters. I remember cringing because it was so grotesque looking, but it didn't stop me from loving GLOW. Read More »»
Disney On Netflix + New Titles Coming In October #StreamTeam
September is an exciting month for Netflix, it's when the exclusive deal between themselves and Disney starts up. I didn't have the chance to hit theaters to see Zootopia so when it hit Netflix September 20, you can bet there was no sloth-like speed here. I jumped on the chance to watch it and it was such a cute movie! If you haven't seen this yet, I would take a family night in to watch. Don't Read More »»
See What’s Coming To Netflix In April!
As part of the Netflix Stream Team I received a year membership to Netflix, a Roku TV and some other fun items. While I loved the goodies they sent they don't influence my views or how much I love Netflix. All thoughts are completely my own. The end of March is almost here, which sadly means, some great shows on Netflix will be saying goodbye until sometime in the future.Fret not, though! As Read More »»
Ring In The New Year With Netflix #StreamTeam
We want our kids to be able to take part in the New Year's Eve fun, but we don't necessarily want them staying up until midnight and messing up their sleep schedule! Parents, who's with me? Thanks to Netflix, you can have them feeling like they are counting down until midnight with you but still get them to bed at a decent time! Check it out! Kids can pick their favorite character or ring in Read More »»
Exciting Stream Team Announcement + Netflix Movies Leaving in November!
My second year with the Netflix Stream Team has started off with a bang. I loved working with Netflix this past year and can't wait to delve into year two as a Stream Team member. If you recall, they treated me to an iPad mini last year, because they wanted me to be able to stream movies while on the go and experience Netflix. Well, this year Netflix wanted me to be able to stream with ease and Read More »»
My Future Scientist: ‘Project Mc²’ Shows It’s Cool To Be Smart
Netflix has a new series that is inspiring girls to have fun and show off their smarts. Project Mc² is geared toward tween girls and wants to show them that being smart is cool. One of our favorite nights at the schools here is the STEM night. So, this show is right up our alley. Even cooler is the awesome people at Netflix sent us our own Project Mc² kit to have some fun! About Project Read More »»