
The Odd Life Of Timothy Green Released on Blu-ray™ 12/4 {Gift Guide 2012}

The Odd Life of Timothy Green hit shelves 12/4/2012! We recently received the Blu-ray™ of The Odd Life of Timothy Green to check out, and I have to say this movie definitely made my favorites list.  I tried to gather up my whole family to check out the movie, but the kids didn't show any interest in watching with me.  So, my husband and I sat down and watched together. Roughly 10 minutes into Read More »»

M.A.C. Cosmetics Haul {Gift Guide 2012}

There is just a little something about M.A.C. Cosmetics that brings a smile to my face.  Right now, for the holidays, M.A.C. has some great gift sets going on.  Check out a few of my favorites (maybe next week I'll show the looks so you can see what it looks like on an actual face): Guilty Passions: 4 Sweetly Smoked Crushed Metallic Pigments $32.50 (Shades are Dusty Desire, Femininity, Read More »»