
33 Salad Recipes To Enjoy This Spring! @Foodie #FoodieByGlam

Spring is here and that means all the fresh fruits and veggies are starting to make their appearance. Recently, I came across a plethra of mouthwatering salads and knew I just had to share!  So, today I am sharing 33 Salad Recipes with you. First, we will start off with a collection of 25 Salads To Nosh On This Spring, that I created on Now, I know the title says "33 Salads" but Read More »»

New Crystal Light Mocktails

What? A mocktail by Crystal Light? Why yes, it sure is. I will freely admit I don't do alcoholic drinks. I don't like the taste of any alcohol (yes even those sweet dessert wines). If I drink the flavor of the alcohol has to be totally masked so I may as well save myself the money and get mocktails (or virgin drinks) when I go out. What about at home though? If I want non-alcoholic margarita, Read More »»

Spring Picnic With KFC! $50 Gift Card Giveaway *10 Winners* (WINNERS ANNOUCED)

Spring is in the air, or if you live where I live we went straight from summer back to spring. The weather here in Florida has been abnormally warm this winter. However for those that didn't have such a warm winter rest assured those comfortable days of tank tops and flips flops are coming. With spring comes a breath of fresh air and one of the things our family likes to do is picnic in the Read More »»

Wordless Wednesday: The Beauty of Spring

I love all the beauty that comes along with springtime. Link up your WW posts below so I can check them out. Have a blessed Wednesday! Read More »»

Fresh Produce Clothing Review & Giveaway ($84.00 Value)

With spring fast approaching and living back in Florida for the first time, I was in need of some weather appropiate clothes.  What I really was looking for was some spring dresses.  You know the ones that are cute, comfy and you stay cool in.  Especially as the Florida summer is one not to be toyed with.  Sunshine and beaches are the Florida way so when I am going to be living here I wanted to Read More »»