Those are my very first ballet shoes, I still have them to this day and will have them until the day I no longer walk this earth. They represent such a big part of my life and who I was, am and will be as long as I can keep on keeping on. I adore dancing. Lately I have been listening to some amazing songs that I really want to put routines too and so I figured I would share them with you. Read More »»
Christy Nockels’ “Into The Glorious” A CD Worth Having
I announced last week, the release of Into The Glorious by Christy Nockels. Today I want to share a little with you about one of the songs: I have to say this whole album really touched me and allowed me some quiet moments with God. I love when I find an album that is perfect for me to worship to. Whether it's during my prayer time or riding down the road it's nice to just have a few moments of Read More »»
Quotable Sunday: Halloween Song Lyrics
Halloween is tomorrow so I figured for today's Quotable Sunday I would share some lyrics to some of my favorite halloween time songs! Read More »»
Countdown to Christmas: Day 4 & 5
Continuing my countdown to Christmas today I thought I would share some fun songs, ones that make me feel like a kid again. We will keep them both in the Alvin and the Chipmunks theme because I love those little furballs. The first one I remember I actually could have fit to a T in 1st grade but instead of two front teeth it was my four front teeth. For some strange reason my teeth came out Read More »»