
Why Google + Hasn’t Won Me Over Yet!

It's all the rage, the newest thing in social media and I have to admit my curiosity peaked so I headed in to the invite only Google + to see what the hooplah was about.  While I think it's cool and all I can't say I am going to drop facebook just yet or maybe ever. I have seen blog posts and tweets from people give the following reasons of preferring the + to facebook: I get all my Read More »»

YourSphere: Creating The Profile

As you know from my previous posts I am one of the test drive moms for Yoursphere, a kids social networking site.  My kids obviously are being brought up around social media so it's only normal they are curious.  With YourSphere they can have their own network of friends.  Before I get started into building a profile for or with your child if you want to get your child signed up head on over Read More »»

Yoursphere: The Parent Dashboard

A few weeks ago I let you know I was one of the YourSphere Test Drive Moms.  Yoursphere is a social networking sites for kids and teens.  As someone who is in social media my kids see me when I am on facebook talking to my friends and connecting with others.  They love the aspect of me being able to talk with old friends and make new ones all in one place and of course as children of someone Read More »»

I’m A Yoursphere Test Drive Mom (Code for Readers)

As part of a 3 month campaign with Mom Central I am a test drive mom for a networking site just for kids.  If you have kids like mine they are fascinated with the aspects of facebook when they see me on.  Well with the diverse ages on facebook it's not really a place for children or even teens.  In comes Yoursphere.  Children can connect with others while parents have the overall say on what Read More »»