
Bring On The Dirt…Wet Ones For The Win!! #Sponsored #MC

I participated in a campaign for Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Wet Ones. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating Those single packets of Wet Ones are one of my life savers this time of year.  With soccer season (and cheer) in full swing and growing kids who think they are going to waste away the minute they get off the Read More »»

Getting Healthier In 2013 #QuakerPopped

I love to snack, however when I want something sweet or salty it's usually not the healthiest option. For 2013, I wanted to make sure I live a little healthier of a lifestyle. Here are a few of the things I am hoping to do this year to get healthier: Drink more water. Be more active. Get more daring in the kitchen and try new meals. Snack smarter! That last one is going to be key Read More »»