Passwords, they are a necessity and yet a pain. If you are like me you have about a gazillion passwords. Everything from my blog to my bank account and shopping sites to entertainment websites, they all have passwords. Unless you keep the same password for every single site, which is putting it bluntly, not smart, you need a way to keep track of them all. You could use a paper and pen, but that's Read More »»
Samsung Galaxy S III Wrap Up #VZWA #Samp
The Samsung Galaxy S III has been my go to phone over the last 3 months...well when my kids don't take it from me to play games on of course. I have had a blast testing out the Galaxy S III and am a little sad this ambassadorship is over. As with the end of any program it's time to share my final thoughts and if I will be switching over from my current phone and provider. What makes me want to Read More »»
Samsung Galaxy S III VS. iPhone #VZWA #Samp
Today it's all about the Samsung Galaxy S III vs. iPhone. It's becoming one of the biggest debates in technology, which is the better phone? So today I am going to share some info on the tech specs on both the Samsung Galaxy S III and the iPhone 5. Samsung Galaxy S III boasts an 8 MP rear facing camera and 1.9 MP front facing camera. My iPhone camera specs are 8 MP rear-facing but only 1.2 MP Read More »»
Samsung Galaxy S III Review. Let’s Talk Apps. #Technology #VZWA
I've had the pleasure of trying out the Samsung Galaxy S III and Verizon Wireless the last two months and it's been great. I love being able to compare this phone and carrier to my current phone and carrier. I have always wondered which service really was better but did not want to bit the bullet, switch, and be disappointed so this ambassadorship has given me a great opportunity to try it out. Read More »»
Samsung Galaxy S III Hotspot Feature #VZWA #Samp
I've had the Samsung Galaxy S III for a little over a month now and I am still learning so much about this jazzy piece of equipment. I have apps, apps, and more apps. There is S Voice. There is a bubble game that I am completely addicted to but today is about none of that. Today we are going to talk about a feature I love and am going to put to good use recently. The HotSpot feature. With my Read More »»
Oh Amazon How I Love You, Episode 1
It's no secret I love Amazon! Just a few short months ago I became a prime member and have fallen even more in love with the site that has sucked me in. If there is something you want you can usually find it over there. Food...check. Makeup...check. Books....check. Kitchen stuff....check. You get my drift. I would be surprised if you could not find what you are looking for or at the very Read More »»