
She Had Wings Once…And They Were Strong! New @Maleficent Trailer!

I might have mentioned how excited I am over the upcoming Disney release, Maleficent.  That's becoming a bit of an understatement.  I mean, have you seen the new poster (above)!!!  As new pieces of this, twist on a classic, tale are released I get as giddy as Liza Minnelli was when she thought she made it into Ellen's best selfie ever (stand on a seat next time Ms. Minnelli).  Before I share with Read More »»

Maleficent Is Now On Twitter AND Check Out This Awesome New Poster #Maleficent

I CAN NOT WAIT FOR MALEFICENT!!! Yes, I wrote that in all caps because I think this may be the Disney movie I am MOST looking forward to this year...which means watch out for bukoos of Maleficent talk over the coming months!  I love Angelina Jolie, she is an AMAZING actress and every time I see a commercial (or watch for the 1000th time on youtube) a trailer for Maleficent, I get  chills and Read More »»

Movie Monday: Maleficent *New Trailer*

Get ready for summer 2014, Maleficent will be hitting a theater near you.  As a Sleeping Beauty fan, I am thrilled at the release of this movie.  It looks like it is going to be a bit more on the dark side and the recent trailer, showcasing "Once Upon A Dream" by Lana Del Rey is oh so haunting!  In case you missed it during the Grammy's here is the new trailer: In case you want to hear the Read More »»