Living in sunny Florida in the spring and summer can wreck havoc on your skin. Whether you get sunburned and want to avoid peeling or the heat is drying your skin our Aquaphor healing ointment is here to save the day err skin. Dry, chapped skin comes along with summer fun in the sun. Living at a beach we are constantly in the sun during the warm months. We take the usual precautions to keep Read More »»
Beauty Talk: Moisturize and Age Defense by SkinMedica *Giveaway* (4/18)
A few weeks ago I was asked to try SkinMedica's Ultra Sheer Moisturize and the Tri-Retinol Complex. I wanted to try it for about a month before giving my thoughts and so today I am here to share them with you. As I am moving forward in my early 30's I am realizing even more how important skin care is. I am sure growing up and spending every free moment at the beach wrecked havoc on my skin (well Read More »»