
SoundHound Makes My Music Day

It's no secret I LOVE my iPhone 4s. I use it for all sorts of things like email, web surfing, phone calls and texts. I also have WAY too many items on my phone as in 1029 photos, 1717 songs, 97 videos, and 196 apps (not counting the ones I deleted that aren't synced). As I said, I love my iPhone it really is attached to me most times through the day. And yes, in case you are wondering, I did go Read More »»

Top Stories (To Me) of 2010

Well it's the final day of 2010, who would have thought we made it this far, I remember everyone freaking out about Y2K!  Usually I do a blog recap of the year but I figure you can all look through my archives this year.  2010 was a year in news where things had me crying, laughing, in shock, angry, and sometimes speechless.  So I thought this year I would share some of the news from 2010 that Read More »»