
RSV What You Need To Know! #RSVPrevention

With the season of the "sickies" here and the flu going around on a bigger scale than normal, many people are making sure to stay informed. Not only are we staying informed but we are taking precautions to protect ourselves from getting sick. We do what we can to prevent ourselves from getting sick. What about the little ones who can't take prevention steps for themselves? There is a very serious Read More »»

Flu Season Is Here

and it's made it's appereance in my household.  Yes our neighbors son (who Aidan was face to face with in tackle football) came down with Swine Flu we found out, well a few days before he was diagnosed (but after they had played together) Aidan came down with all the symptoms.  We were like GRRREEEAAATTT.  So when we found out about the neighbor we took Aidan in to be tested for it. However Read More »»