This post has been sponsored by Pfizer Consumer Healthcare and 20th Century Fox. All thoughts and reviews are my own As with everything else we do (sports, binge watching shows, eating) we go big when we get sick. It's not usually just one symptom; it's usually several. Our kids, thankfully, are rarely sick, but when they are, it's usually a doozy. Fever, aches, coughing, runny nose, Read More »»
Staying Up For The Count With Vicks DayQuil & Nyquil
As a mom of three busy kids and working from my home, I don't really get the option to call in. Which means when I am sick, I have to do what I can to treat my symptoms and get on the road to wellness. I do take time to rest and recuperate but sometimes that is not an option and I definitely don't want to be down for the count if I have somewhere I need to be, or a deadline to meet. I want to Read More »»