This is a sponsored post as part of the Shaklee Corporation blogger program. I have received free products, online support and incentives for participating in the ShakleeCorporation blogger program. My opinions are my own. People following the weight-loss portion of the Shaklee 180™ Program can expect to lose 1-2 pounds per week. We wrapped up Month 5 and my written post was all about Read More »»
Shaklee 180™ Journey, Month 2 Vlog #Shaklee180
I am wrapping up my second month on the Shaklee journey and as you read in this post, it's been a bit of a tough one. For my vlog this month I thought I would share a little bit with you about my favorite flavor shakes and what I love to add to mine to make it taste delicious. So, without further month 2 vlog: Yes I LOVE the simplicity of making it with almond milk, the shake mix, a Read More »»
What Keeps You Motivated? #Shaklee180 #ShakleeBloggers
It's been another month on the Shaklee 180™ wagon and I have to admit, this has been a tough one. I had travel, some days where my personal life took it's toll and I totally had emotional eating episodes. Which, that in and of itself is really unusual for me, when things are going wrong or I am upset, it's usually the opposite, my appetite goes away. This month...not so much. So I sat and thought Read More »»
Month 1 Thoughts And Results #Shaklee180
It's been a month since I started the Shaklee 180™ program and now it's time to share my thoughts and results with you. At the end of each month, you will get to see my pretty face talking about the month I had on the program. You will get to hear my results, the positives, the not so positives (like missing two weeks the first month...gah). Today is the first of this kind of share. So how did Read More »»