Okay you have fair warning about this tidbit, it contains something scandalous but you must watch the whole thing or you just might miss the real scandal! I am ashamed and appalled at this secret but I really need to share and get it off my chest. So here it goes...try not to judge me too harshly! Share you thoughts in my comments, help a scandalous sista out! Read More »»
Fess Up Friday.
So I found this linky while looking through mister linky and I though ohhhhh this could be fun or maybe scary, I mean do I really want to fess up to things I have done. What if it costs me readers?What if everyone judges me?What if I tell something and then regret it and never can take it back?What if I embarrass myself?Then I thought who the heck cares. So here I go, Fessing up:~ I am so scared Read More »»