Make Ahead Lunch Idea For Back To School Summer has just a little less than a month for us, here in Florida and we've been having a blast. Which means in about two weeks, we will be in back to school shopping/planning mode. One of the things I am preparing for, when it comes to my younger children (my high schooler makes his own lunch so I am in the clear), is the lunches. Especially for my Read More »»
Go Math! Academy Helps Us Conquer Math In A Fun Way! #HMHAcademy #ad
Homework can be frustrating for both parents and kids, but what if there were a way to have fun turn making homework a little easier??!! Thanks to we are having less frustration and more fun with school work! About Go Math! Academy Go Math! Academy™ is an online, at-home learning program based on Houghton Mifflin Harcourt’s enormously successful GO Math!™ textbook Read More »»
Goodbye Common Sense, Hello Common Core
Where did all the age appropriate normal math problems go? When I went to school it was addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. As you got older things got harder. When you went into Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry (which I never took by the way) it got a little more complicated of course, but in elementary school it was about making sure you understood the basics. Not so much Read More »»
Kellogg’s Wants Your Cereal To “Start Simple, Start Right”
As a mom one of the best ways I can get my kids prepared (and myself for that matter) for the day is to give them a tasty and healthy breakfast. Unfortunately, our school starts much too early so a hot meal (unless instant oatmeal) is usually out of the question. We have cereal, cereal, and more cereal for our early mornings. There are so many cereals to choose from, and while I don't mind letting Read More »»
Rally For Recess With Danimals
One of my kids favorite snacks is Danimals. Between their crush cups, smoothies and coolision this is a snack my kids enjoy year round. The usual favorite has to be the crush cup, something about kids being able to "crush" the cup while eating is entertaining not to mention they taste yummy. I personally love the smoothies they are great for on the go when you need a quick snack. I love that Read More »»
Sprite Spark Parks $100 Prize Pack Giveaway (CLOSED)
One of my favorite things growing up both at school and away was going to the playground. I loved being active, swinging, running in the huge wheelbarrow (that I subsequently went upside down on SO FUN!), flipping on the bars. The playground was where I got to be free, no worries just fun even if just for a 15 minute recess. In today's society there are so many budget cuts, in fact just the last 2 Read More »»