
Keep Connected With A College Care Package

It's a big world they head off to when they go to college, why not send them with a care package that can help them adjust to life on their own! I know when I was on my own, I didn't realize how many things my parents bought for me. So it's small things, they may not think of, that will mean the most and help them to remember what to stock up on when they are out. Here are a few things ideas for Read More »»

Go Back To Campus With Schick

Back to school is hard enough for any parent, but especially those who are sending their babies to college. Let me grab a box or bucket of tissues. Simply thinking about that gives me tear-filled moments. I still have a few years before my oldest goes off to college and then a few more years before my last two go, but when they do I want to make sure they have everything they need. Some of that Read More »»