The holidays are here and today I have several stocking stuffer gift ideas for you. The first of which is a cute Christmas movie the whole gamily can enjoy together, Santa's Little Helper. This movie is one that the family can enjoy for holidays to come. It stars WWE superstar Mike "The Wiz" Mizanin, WWE Diva Paige and CW's 90210 Annalynn McCord. About Santa's Little Helper After losing his Read More »»
How Was Your Christmas?
We had a busy Christmas down in the sunny, but freezing, state of Florida. We headed to the aunt & uncle's house Christmas Eve for their annual get together. Check out me and my cousins: After a few hours of loud fun, we headed home to sprinkle our reindeer food and hit the sack, after all Santa doesn't come when kids are awake. Once the kids were all snug in their beds we finally caught Read More »»
Enjoy The Original Christmas Classics With Fun Themed Treats {Gift Guide 2012}
Enjoy The Original Christmas Classics on Blu-ray this holiday season!! One of our favorite things about this time of year are all the movies and shows. The Original Christmas Classics are, by far, some of my favorite shows to watch during the holiday season. The Original Christmas Classics bring some of the all time best stories to "life". Do you remember when……Santa asked Rudolph to guide Read More »»
Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree With My Family
We had such a great Christmas with lots of presents, time with family and memories made. Here are just a few pictures of the goodies: Read More »»
Dear Santa:
Dear Santa: This is my Christmas as a 30 year old and for 10 years I have let my kids have all the Christmas wishes but this year it's my turn. So now I share with you all the things I want under my tree this year. Â It's not much just a little couture jeans here and celebrity there. You're Santa so it can be done, Â you can bring anything right?? First I would like to request a Porsche Cayenne Read More »»