Here in our house, it's definitely been the summer of the sandwich. With three kids who eat non-stop it's been easier for me to just keep sandwich stuff on hand rather than cook for lunch AND dinner. Being a work at home parent, I don't get the break during summer that they do. If I were fixing something for them each time they were hungry, I would spend ALL day in the kitchen. Keeping sandwich Read More »»
November Is National Bread Month, Enjoy A Sandwich
I LOVE Bread, seriously I love it. Toasted with butter, grating it up for meatballs, or simply using it to make a sandwich. Bread and I are great friends. November is national Bread Month...did you know that?? While I admit to having a love for white bread I am trying to eat a bit more healthy and bring in the whole grain breads for sandwiches. Sandwiches play a big part in my families life. Read More »»