My second year with the Netflix Stream Team has started off with a bang. I loved working with Netflix this past year and can't wait to delve into year two as a Stream Team member. If you recall, they treated me to an iPad mini last year, because they wanted me to be able to stream movies while on the go and experience Netflix. Well, this year Netflix wanted me to be able to stream with ease and Read More »»
Gaiam TV Review. Keeping Fit From The Comfort of Your Home.
I am not sure about you but sometimes joining a gym isn't the most cost effective way to stay in shape. Gym memberships can cost a pretty penny and it's not always comfortable working out in front of complete strangers. Unfortunately working out is a must if you want to stay in shape, or at least it is becoming that way for me. Long gone are my days of eating whatever I want and exercising very Read More »»