So I thought I would share some random thoughts that have been going through my head, because I know you all really want to know what goes on inside there. Â You do, don't ya?? Don't say I didn't warn ya, some of the things that pass through my head may make you scratch and shake your head at me? Hey, I never said I was sane all the time, so beware the thoughts you read in this post may make you Read More »»
It’s OK …
to not want to post everyday on your blog and it not bother you. to feel like you suck at parenting sometimes. to want to run away from all your problems. to not want to get out of your pajamas all day. to not like everyone to not please everyone. to like someone one of your friends doesn't, you are your own person. to crush on non fictional characters, well as long as you don't take Read More »»
Getting to Know You, Getting to Know You…Err Me
It's exactly ONE WEEK until I am headed to the windy city, Chicago, for BlogHer 2009. As the days get closer I find myself a bundle of excited nerves. Then I thought "What if all the people I meet there have no idea who I am?" Not meaning that they don't know me but that that don't know things about me. So what do I do, I decide to do what will probably be one of the most random posts on my Read More »»