Your Taste in Music:Classic Rock: Highest InfluencePop: Highest InfluenceAdult Alternative: High InfluenceHip Hop: High InfluenceNineties: High InfluenceHow's Your Taste in Music?Yep I love me some classic rock, give me the big hair bands and metal bands of the 80's and all is well in life with me.You Are 84% A Child of the 80sThere's hardly a moment of the 80s that you missed out on.Was there Read More »»
I am a Katherine, sounds just right
Well except the feeling confined when in a one to one relationship I actually feel safe in them not confined and definitely not too focused on my own activities rather than focus on my children...I think that is actually the opposite LOL but everything else fits pretty well. Your result for Are You a Jackie or a Marilyn? Or Someone Else? Mad Men-era Female Icon Quiz...You Are a Katharine!You Read More »»
As If I needed anymore proof that Edward Belongs with me…
I went and took the "Which Twilight Character are you?" quiz at Twilighters Anonymous and lookie at my results (be jealous girls very jealous this seals my fate with him!):Take the Quiz and Share Your Results! You are observant, diplomatic and often aim to please. You are unaware of yourattractiveness and despite being uncomfortable with any form of attention, people enjoy your company. You can Read More »»