
Get Your Man Game Day Ready #OwnYourGame #OwnYourRegimen #Publix (ad)

With rivals like Auburn and Alabama, LSU and Florida, it's easy to get excited about game day. I don't know about you, but here at my house, we are a huge football family.  We love to get together and watch the NCAA games every Saturday and cheer on our favorite teams. Lots of preparations go into making the games happen, the biggest thing (aside from the players and coaches) is making sure that Read More »»

Get Your Fiber In A Tasty Way With Fiber One Bars

Fiber is a necessary part of my diet, sometimes I just don't feel like eating the fruits and veggies that contain it. Sometimes I want something that tastes like a treat, and Fiber One bars are just that. I just had the chance to try out several flavors of the Fiber One bars and have been enjoying adding a little extra fiber into my diet with the tasty treats. Not only do I love them, but my Read More »»