Hey all you Daily Dose readers. Today is Friday so let's get the positives out there. Every Friday we do Positively Positive Fridays and share anything positive. The only rule is you must vlog (or video for you non bloggers) it. To join in all you have to do is make a video talking about anything positive. If you have a blog put your video in a post and grab the post link to add to the linky. Read More »»
Positively Positive: Tide, Birthday and Tim Gunn
Hey everyone it's time for our first official (or re-first, since I am trying to start this up again). Hopefully there are lots of people out there who like to video themselves and like to share the positives. You don't have to have a blog just a YouTube, Vimeo, Viddler or other video hosting account to participate that's it. To read what exactly it is about head over and check out the Read More »»
Positively Positive Friday Is Coming Back
Hey everyone, it's yours truly and I am going to try to bring back Positively Positive Fridays. This is the announcement telling you what it's all about and how you can get involved. Don't worry under the video I will have more explanation too. Okay so the rules are simple: 1) You have to feature something positive. It can be anything about yourself, family, friends, a goal you have Read More »»
Positively Positive: Kids and Elfing Around
Welcome back to Positively Positive the end of the week, keep things positive post. I figure we can all think of at least one positive thing to share. Heck you may already have a positive post up and if you want to link to that feel free. I like to vlog so pretty much for every Positively Positive Friday you will get to see lovely moi on video...you know you like it. Without further ado here Read More »»
Positively Positive 11/13/09
Hello all you positive people out there. Â Today is Friday the 13th, what better day to promote positivity right! Â I am so excited to do this and hear or read all the positive posts you have today. Â Today I am sharing about some people I love dearly. Â Who you ask? Â Well watch the vlog to find out! I love my those people. Of course they are not the only friends I have those are just the Read More »»