I love to jump and be active. Sometimes that may cause a slight issue but no more! Thanks to today’s sponsor, Poise Impressa with Acorn Influence, for helping women all over enjoy everyday confidence. #TrustImpressa As I've gotten older I've experienced something I scoffed at when I was younger...light bladder leakage. Meaning there are activities that may cause a little tinkle to trickle when Read More »»
Impressa Allows You To Laugh It Up Without Worries
Laughing is good for the soul, but it can be a nightmare if you deal with Stress Urinary Incontinence. Those who deal with SUI may try to avoid laughing so they can avoid leaks. And I'm not talking about tears leaking from your eyes from laughing so hard. I am talking about a leak that many of us deal with, but we rarely talk about. Pee is nothing to be ashamed of, it's something we all do, but Read More »»