
Nook e-Reader Giveaway. Happy New School Year w/ Nestle Family! (CLOSED)

Congrats to winner, Margaret Smith! What is back to school without a little reading? My daughter, who is in first grade, LOVES and I mean LOVES to read. She checks out a new book each day if she can. I have to say I was the same exact way. Read More »»

Giveaway: Nestle Family Back To School Prize Pack. Let’s Talk Snacks (9/28/11)

Congrats to winner with screen name of won! Enjoy your win! On Monday I shared one of my resolutions for this school year. I told you all about how my family has so much to do that this year we are going to try to stick to a schedule from morning until bedtime. Do I think that will go flawlessly everyday, probably not, but I hope it will help keep us organized and me sane. If you have a schedule Read More »»

Happy New School Year w/ Nestle Family. My Resolution.

We have been in school for almost a month now! After the long summer I know I was sure ready for it, minus the having to get the kids up so early. I think deep down my kids were ready for it too despite their "I don't wanna go back to school". We all know deep down they love it....right?! With back to school comes homework, reading, sports and all the other things I as the mom, get to juggle. Read More »»

Nestle Family Is Doing It Again, Giving Back That Is!

Nestle Family is doing it again. What exactly are they doing you ask? They are having their "Happy New School Year Sweepstakes". You can enter now through 10/15/2011 to win some awesomesauce stuff for your home and your school. Read More »»

Fun Summer Treats With Nestle Family

I get the Nestle Family newsletter in my inbox quite often and am impressed with some of the goodies they share.  I don't post them here often enough but the two treats I just oogled with my eyes I couldn't pass up.  Both of these are fun and I bet yummy treats you could make this summer so you kids can join in on the fun.  Both of them make me think summer fun! Read More »»

Honor Mom and Give Hope With Nestle Family. $50 Gift Card Giveaway

contest is now closed.  Check winner's page in the next few days to see winners name.   One of the great things about Mother's Day is the gift of giving back to your mom or the mom in your life.  I know it's such a special day for me because I love honoring my mother on her special day and my kids make me feel special.  This mother's day Nestle Family is taking the giving back a step further. Read More »»