Those are my very first ballet shoes, I still have them to this day and will have them until the day I no longer walk this earth. They represent such a big part of my life and who I was, am and will be as long as I can keep on keeping on. I adore dancing. Lately I have been listening to some amazing songs that I really want to put routines too and so I figured I would share them with you. Read More »»
There’s No Such Thing As Perfect People.
Once again Natalie Grant's lyrics lift me up and bring a smile to my face. Everyday is a battle, it's hard to not want to feel perfect. Â Yes, I know I have flaws but in the past I tried to correct those flaws on my own before going to God. Â I thought..."Well if I could just fix this or tweak that first" and that was wrong wrong wrong thinking. Â God wants us to come to him just as we are, if we Read More »»
I Will Not Be Moved…Will You??
As a Christian, sometimes it is hard to stand firm. Whether it because you have friends that don't understand your beliefs or because daily life may bring battles that make you want to give up, the one that that is important in all aspects of life is to stand strong. Don't let your circumstances, the people around you, the ones who try to tear you down or your own insecurities move you. You Read More »»