
Racetrac’s Sodapalooza Is Back! Free Refills All Summer + $25 Gift Card Giveaway

Get ready for the ultimate in refreshment this summer. Racetrac has brought back their Sodapalooza Freefill! What does that mean? That means you can drink all the fountain and frozen beverages your little heart desires, from now through July 31, for only $7.99! Yes, you read that correctly, it's only $7.99! With summer upon us, Racetrac is excited to announce they are bringing the popular Read More »»

52 Week Money Challenge for 2014

I don't know about you, but I really want to start saving more money.  I had hoped to do this 52 Week Money Challenge in last year but as the weeks went by our every other week pay made it hard.  As the end of the year approached it got harder to do.  However, this year I decided to take a different approach.  I AM going to save $1378.00 by the end of this year and you can too. As you can see in Read More »»

Your Guide To Supermarket Deals

We all want to get the best value on our weekly shop, and this can often mean taking advantage of deals offered at the supermarket. However, with so many different types of moneysaving deal to choose from, it can get a little confusing.  You’ll have the ultimate peace of mind on value when you get your groceries from ASDA, thanks to the ASDA Price Guarantee, which will give you the difference if Read More »»

Black Friday Shopping Tips

The day will be here in one week folks. I LOVE Black Friday (and am slowly starting to like Cyber Monday). Though it has taken me a few years to get the best Black Friday plan down Read More »»

Additech $25.00 Walmart Gift Card Giveaway (5/31)

Giveaway is now closed.  Winner will be announced soon on the winners page and contacted! As many of you know I had the opportunity a few times to go the the headquarters of Murphy USA and learn about so many things.  One of the things I learned about while there is a company called Additech.  I can hear your heads now "What in the world is Additech?"  Let me share a bit with you about them from Read More »»