
52 Week Money Challenge for 2014

I don't know about you, but I really want to start saving more money.  I had hoped to do this 52 Week Money Challenge in last year but as the weeks went by our every other week pay made it hard.  As the end of the year approached it got harder to do.  However, this year I decided to take a different approach.  I AM going to save $1378.00 by the end of this year and you can too. As you can see in Read More »»

Money, It Doesn’t Grow On Trees

One of the most important lessons a kid will learn in life is how to properly manage money.  It’s a lesson that should be taught as early as possible to ensure that they begin the trek down a financially secure life.  A lot of moms aren’t sure how to talk to their kids about money though, which is the biggest pitfall.  Utilizing these simple tips will make talking to your kids about finances a Read More »»

Money Lessons I Learned

When I was in high school I took a Home-Economics class, which taught me all about budgeting a bank account. However, as I grew up, I realized that it wasn't as easy as it seemed. I went out on my own, and realization set in. If I wanted something, I would have to save for it. My ‘job’ money wasn't the same as ‘chore ‘money growing up. I had real bills to pay, so if I wanted a special shirt, I had Read More »»