
Having a #BackyardBash With ConAgra Products

I eat and cook with brands I know and love.  Several of the brands I use in my day to day life are part of the ConAgra family.  So I rounded up my family for a day of food and memory making.  Gathering up ingredients galore along with some Chef Boyardee, Eggbeaters and Hunt's Tomato Paste I was ready to hit the kitchen running.  I even had all the accessories a good chef should have, see.... I Read More »»

Let Me Share Some Things With You…About Myself!

I am a pretty open book here on my blog. Sure there are some topics I try not to touch but I love sharing my life with you. Today I thought I would share some things about myself with you. Quirky things, habits, daily doings, you get my drift. So here's a little bit more about me that you may not (or maybe you do) know. Read More »»