
Christmas Gift Ideas For Those Who Love To Cook!

I love to be in my kitchen, in fact I have a counter full of inspiration thanks to the cookbooks I have received over the years. I know, being someone who loves to be in the kitchen, I love to be inspired and try new things. I don't always like coming up with new recipes, sometimes I just want to try someone else's. Thish is why cookbooks make a perfect gift for those, like me, who love to be in Read More »»

Simple Bruschetta Recipe, It’s A Hit In My Home #KingsHawaiian

I am half Italian and you can usually tell it with my love for carbs, pasta sauce, and so many other Italian dishes.  Today I want to share with you one of my favorite snacks that is probably one of the easiest things outside of grabbing a bag of chips....Bruschetta.  I headed to the store to pick up my supplies.  Instead of the loaf I usually pick up for this dish I went a little different route Read More »»