If you are new to town or even if you've lived somewhere for years, finding the right thing at the right time can be tricky! What if your vacationing and someone gets sick, wouldn't it be nice to be able to find locally loved doctors? Or what if you need help with home renovation but because this is your first time doing something like this, you don't know where to start! Thankfully there's an Read More »»
Create, Plan, and Share Hiking Adventures With Kamino App
This post is brought to you by Kamino. All opinions are my own. Recently, I came across , an app that is a welcome addition to the plethera of iPhone apps I have. There are so many of us who like to explore the towns we live in or the places we visit. Kamino, is an app, that features "hikes" throughout the world. As I explored Kamino, I started with checking the hikes that were already Read More »»