
What Verizon Lacks That Makes iPhone Worth Having

As I mentioned yesterday, Verizon is FINALLY getting access to the iPhone so now they can have happy customers like us AT&T folks.  While they will have the bragging rights of less dropped calls there are two things lacking that really are what make the iPhone worth having. The speed, as proven AT&T has the faster 3G network and in some areas it's a whole lot faster.  Now while this Read More »»

iPhone 4 News: Verizon Customers Can Finally Be Cool Like Me!

The much anticipated has happened, Verizon now has the iPhone 4 for pre-order.  Available 2/10/11. All those Verizon customers can now experience the joy of having a 4th child the iPhone 4 like I (and the millions of other AT&T customers) have.  This gadget is a love to me, it goes where I go and I am always connected I can face time with friends wherever they are.  Right now the pre-order is Read More »»