Well they took me back to get my vitals and all and gave me the valium and then they took me to a very romantically lit room (I guess they do that since they are messing with your breast, they want to put you in the mood hahaha) so then the nice little lady nurse excused herself to go tinkle, the ultrasound lady did another ultrasound so she could mark on my boob where the mass was located. Then Read More »»
Just wanted to ask for prayers..
I have talked to some of you already but for those I haven't here is a bit ofthe back story (so you know why you are praying lOL).I had my yearly appointment (yes that makes all you women cringe huh LOL)yesterday well while doing the breast exam my doctor found the lump that I noticed about 3 months ago. I didn’t' think anything of it at the time because it was about to be that time of the Read More »»