
What 2022 Has Taught Me

2022 has been one of those years where I have learned so much more than I imagined, and since I am trying to get back into blogging and sharing my life (and thoughts) with you...I thought this would be a great post to have as 2022 is drawing to a close. What 2022 has taught me... DO IT AFRAID! Whatever it is you want to do, that dream you want to pursue, even if you have to do it afraid! Read More »»

I Hate My Life, I Wish I Were Dead! Tween Moments!

So as per the usual school day mornings, we are rushing around getting everyone ready.  Surprisingly even though I woke the kids up a little later and they had to leave earlier things are going somewhat smooth.  Cue turning off Spongebob so they actually finish getting ready.  When Spongebob is on I lose every ounce of focus they have in the mornings and some mornings I pray for any focus Read More »»

Even In Tough Times You Just Have To Laugh

Well sometimes that is all you can do right? I am talking about laughing. My family is truly at what I would think of as bottom (well will be in a few weeks if something big doesn't happen). To put it bluntly, after I pay my bills we will have no money to pay anything with, get gas with, necessities get my point. My husband lost his job at the beginning of November and until now we Read More »»

Sometimes You Just Need To Hear The Right Song In The Midst of Your Storm

Lately it seems that almost daily I find myself weeping before God. There are things going on in my life that are truly a faith testing.  I don't understand why my family is going through these trials or  when they will end.  I know in the end everything will be fine and God will work it all out but the waiting for answers and not knowing how the end result is going to come is definitely Read More »»

Sometime I Just Have to Cry Out To Jesus

Sometimes it's all I have in me just to cry out to Jesus.  Do you ever get that way?  You get so sick of what is surrounding you, so sick of stress, tears, anger, hurt, sadness, pain?  I know I do and when I get that way I simply fall to my knees and cry out to Jesus.  It's not some big epiphany just something that brings me peace amid the chaos. Let's me know that despite what others say and Read More »»

Don’t Wanna Keep On Keepin On All The Time

That is precisely how I feel.  And since getting your thoughts out of your head is supposed to be therapeutic all you lucky readers get to read my thoughts today.  What exactly is weighing on my mind you ask (or you don't but I am still telling anyways)? ~ We have the something or other joints going out on our van and have no $$ to fix it. ~ Our dryer is a piece of crap and see above as Read More »»