
Ready To Make Some Labor Day Memories #99SummerDays #HebrewNational

We are gearing up for some Labor Day fun!  While we will be on the road headed home on actual Labor Day, we have some grand plans to have a lot of fun this week leading up to it.  Thanks to a provided stipend we have been able to have a Labor Day week to remember.  My family headed down to Orlando for an end of summer bash, a way to go out with memories galore. After stocking up on supplies for Read More »»

Tequila-Glazed Grilled Chicken Thighs #Recipes

It's National Tequila Day and while I am not a drinker this recipe sounds like the perfect food to celebrate the day. I received this recipe in my inbox, with permission to share and just knew I had to. Regardless of the day this looks like one that I will be trying soon. It's from Cooking Light Way to Cook Grilling: The Complete Visual Guide to Healthy Grilling cookbook, from the editors of Read More »»