Giveaway is now closed! Â Winner will be announced in the coming days. Here at my home we are definitely a gaming family. When I was asked if I would like to review Squeeballs Party for the Wii, the answer was absolutely. Squeeballs Party is the first Wii game put out by Performance Design Products. Not only can you get it for the Wii but also for the DS, Lite DSi, Apple iPod touch and Read More »»
Mythbusters: Weird World of Water Review
My family had the chance to review the Mythbusters Weird World of Water Science Exploration Kit. Â Having 2 boys and a girl who is into all things her brothers are into (should this worry me yet), they were all so excited to see this arrive in the mail. Â Unfortunately for several weeks from the time we received it one or more of us has been sick. Â Finally we all recovered and have been healthy Read More »»
It’s a sad sad day for me…
Why you ask, well because I have to work and I won't get to seekick the *insert no so polite word for doodie here* out of *Tee hee you like the photo of the Gators I got don't ya, can you tell I can not stand the gators. I dislike them more than Alabama so that says a lot.*I am so sick of Tebow, you know mister sports announcers and reporters he is not the God's gift to football there are many Read More »»