
Show Just Hip You Are This Month In The #DunkinMugUp Contest #Ad

This the final month in the #DunkinMugUp contest and they want to see your inner (or outer) hipster...your edgy side! What music do you listen to when no one is around? What are hobbies or clothes you secretly love? I'll give you a hint one of the hobbies I love.... I love to dress up and have fun with fashion and makeup. I love to walk red carpets, that's definitely something Read More »»

5 Things I Love…Well, A Few More Than 5! #DunkinMugUp

This month for Dunkin Donuts Mug-Up contest they want to hear all about what you love, so the task to complete was sharing 5 things you love. Afterall, this is the month of love.  I, however, could list in an instant a thousand things I I went a little over the five...though I'll spare you (and my fingers) listing 1000. So, here are the 5...well 8, things I love...I'll do more posts Read More »»

Charging Up With Dunkin’ Donuts Coffee

It's a new year, which means resolutions for a lot of us.  I, however, prefer to go the goal route, that way I don't feel like I failed if I don't complete something by years end.   This year one of the goals I know I will complete, is dancing in my 15th recital.  That's right, at 34, I'll be dancing on Pointe shoes and also in the can-can.  Grew up I took dance for 14 years, and Read More »»

Wishing You A Merry Mugmas! Show Off That Holiday Mug! #DunkinMugUp

Christmas, Christmas Time is here! The holiday season is one of my favorite times of the year. Spending time with family, getting to see the magic as your kids experience fun things, and of course the fun decor we bring out during the holidays. One of my favorite things to have come out during the holidays is "Snow Angel". Our little elf on the shelf who amazes my children with the things she Read More »»

We Mustache You….How Do You Like Your Coffee? #DunkinMugUp

I have to say my daughter and I pull off the fun mustache pretty darn good. Fun, that's the key for us.  Whether it's wearing funny mustaches and taking pictures or just laughing and having a great time, we like to have fun.  Same goes for my coffee. I don't like plain, boring coffee, I like coffee with style.  Thanks to the Bakery Series™, Dunkin Donuts offers, I have a lot more fun with Read More »»

How Spooky Do You Look Before Your First Cup #DunkinMugUP

Sometimes BC (Before Coffee) is a very scary thing...just look at me Before Coffee... YIKES.  I need coffee stat, thankfully Dunkin Donuts has me all sorts of covered! The coffee makeover is in process.... After a Dunkin Donut's cup full of French Vanilla Dunkin Donuts, all is much better for Toni! Okay, Okay so maybe I don't look quite that bad but I do feel that way, Read More »»